about the book

In the annals of history, the Vampyr had always been synonymous with darkness and predation, creatures that thrived on the lifeblood of the living, their existence shrouded in myths of terror and despair. But in the unexpected year of 2015, amidst the serene backdrop of a small Mississippi town, the lines between legend and reality began to blur for Thomas Lowrin. Betrayed by a trusted companion, he found himself ensnared in a fate he never fathomed – he became a Vampyr.

The transition was jarring, a metamorphosis that thrust him into an existence he struggled to comprehend. He grappled with his newfound urges, his insatiable thirst for blood juxtaposed with the memories of his humanity. Yet, even in the shadows of his own transformation, a glimmer of hope emerged when he encountered Helena, a Vampyr by birth who bore her curse with a serene acceptance. United by their shared affliction, Thomas and Helena formed a bond that transcended their predatory nature.
As fate wove its tapestry, more threads were added to their story. Erin, a goofy pothead who uses drinking as an escape, Michael, a shy young history buff, and Cordelia, a young witch who had known Helena for a very long time – these kindred spirits became their comrades, companions on a journey that fate had set in motion. Together, they were a motley crew of souls burdened by their identities, finding solace in the company of those who understood their plight.
However, their newfound camaraderie was not destined to be confined to the town's limits. Driven out by the very people they once lived among, they embarked on a journey that stretched across the country's highways and byways. Together, they navigated the challenges of survival and self-discovery, bonding over shared trials and tribulations. Each mile covered was a step toward embracing their duality, reconciling the darkness within them with the sparks of humanity that still flickered.
But as the road stretched ever forward, they stumbled upon a revelation that shifted the sands beneath their feet. An ancient malevolence, a force beyond imagination, threatened to snuff out their fragile existence. As newfound friends turned into a steadfast family, their unity became their strongest weapon against the encroaching darkness. The journey that lay ahead was not for the faint of heart – it was a path fraught with sacrifices, choices, and a shared purpose that burned brighter than any individual's struggles.
In the end, their story was one of redemption, of transcending the stereotypes that history had thrust upon their kind. Some were Vampyrs, one a witch and the others average Joes, but they were also warriors, friends, and ultimately, beacons of hope in a world that often misunderstood them. The road ahead would be long, treacherous, and painful, but armed with unity, acceptance, and the strength that only true companionship could provide, they faced it head-on, undaunted by the shadowy specter that sought to engulf them all.